Budget Variance Analysis: How to Monitor, Calculate, and Analyze



what is a budget variance

Given the very ad hoc nature of variance analysis, spreadsheets are a very useful tool. Vendr’s procurement software is an effective way to reduce budget discrepancies and achieve optimal savings. Our comprehensive procurement management solution centralizes your data, provides in-depth metrics for evaluating spending, and ensures meticulous tracking of usage-based contracts. Changes to the pricing of your services or fixed assets can create a variance in a budget. For instance, if insurance premiums at renewal are higher than anticipated for a fixed asset costs have risen as a matter of expansion, variances may be the outcome.

Budgeting Process: Steps and Best Practices for Planning a Budget

In an ideal world, you want to claiming dependent credit for a disabled spouse avoid unfavorable budget variances above your threshold. External factors, such as changes in economic conditions, can also account for budget variances. If one of your main competitors goes out of business, that may lead to favorable variance where you gain customers and have higher revenue than expected. When explaining budget to actual variances, it is a best practice to not to use the terms “higher” or “lower” when describing a particular line time.

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Remember when you budgeted car repairs at $500, but when you went to pick up your car, the bill had magically risen to $850? Something that used to take a person hours upon hours to complete can now be done in minutes, freeing up the brightest minds in your organization to absorb the results and make better decisions moving forward. As a general rule of thumb, the forecast should reflect an organization’s roadmap.

Variance to Prior Period and Same Period Prior Year

It’s also important to remember that behind every budget variance calculation is a reason why that variance exists. In some cases, these new strategic insights that have emerged from the analytical process may mean that current forecasts need to be altered. If this is the case, be sure to make the necessary adjustments to forecasts or financial models.

Budgets are forward-looking tools that use financial modeling to predict your business’s future. These projections are based on research, historical data, and assumptions. The most common causes of budget variance include inaccuracies in your budget, changes in the business environment, and over- or underperformance. Understanding the causes of budget variance can help you figure out why your performance numbers differ from your projections and what those differences mean for your business. For instances where you’re budgeting parameters may change, consider running scenario analysis and creating contingencies for possible outcomes. By building a budget that can absorb a variety of outcomes, you establish more confidence in the budgeting process and smooth the path for later analysis.

How can budget variances be used to plan better budgets?

what is a budget variance

With a standard subscription built on an annual or monthly basis, variances are less common. Variance in a fixed contract usually happens because a department needs to add more licenses or tools after establishing budgets. But other contract structures — usage-based or drawdowns — are likely causes of unplanned SaaS spend. Unfavorable budget variances (also called negative variances) are indeed a cause for concern, as they have a negative impact on the company’s profitability, cash flow, competitive strength, etc. Keeping up to date on budget variances can help you spot possible trends, as well as potential trouble spots.

  1. For example, in the sample YTD budget vs. actual below, you can see that sales were overpredicted by 16%, and ultimately net income by 48%.
  2. We saved more than $1 million on our spend in the first year and just recently identified an opportunity to save about $10,000 every month on recurring expenses with Planergy.
  3. Into every life a few budget variances—differences between actual spend and the amount budgeted—must fall.
  4. Remember when you budgeted car repairs at $500, but when you went to pick up your car, the bill had magically risen to $850?
  5. Variance in a fixed contract usually happens because a department needs to add more licenses or tools after establishing budgets.

Pay attention to sizeable variances in both dollar amounts and percentage. It’s a mere $100, compared to salaries which may be only 5% off but could mean tens of thousands of dollars over or under budget. It’s important to discuss adverse (or negative) budget variance further because of its damaging and potentially severe consequences for a business.

Changing customer needs

Manage your business, personal, and program spend on an annual, quarterly, and monthly basis. If you could accurately predict the future, running a business would be much easier. Instead, business owners and entrepreneurs have to make plans and decisions with ever-changing factors like market conditions and consumer preferences. However, we have an unfavorable quantity variance, as it took 5,000 more pieces than budgeted to produce our completed doodads. They tend to garner the lion’s share of attention during variance analysis because they can be more easily controlled and streamlined than revenue. However, if your variances are a one-time issue, it’s best to continue to monitor your budget but forego the revisions unless other issues arise.

Regular cost performance and budgeting review are essential to reducing or eliminating variances. For example, large variances may show up during the month and closing what is a purchase order definition and meaning activities for flux analysis. The second formula is the negative convention, which measures negative variances as a negative value and positive variances as a positive figure.

If you only run this report once a year, you’re missing the opportunity to be proactive about any variances because it’s better to investigate them as they occur rather than at year-end. Be sure your report displays positive and negative variances in both a dollar amount and a percentage. But if your supplier doesn’t notify you about a price increase but then raises prices in March of the following year, you’ll have an unfavorable budget variance to deal with. The best way to avoid this is to build an automatic price increase into your budgeted expenses. A budget analysis helps businesses to take corrective action based on positive or negative variances.

However, if a material variance persists over an extended period of time, management likely needs to evaluate its budgeting process. Most variance analysis is performed on spreadsheets (Excel) using some type of template that’s modified from period to period. Most enterprise systems have some type of standard variable reporting capability, but they often do not have the flexibility and functionality that spreadsheets provide.

Next, add in any anticipated new clients and the additional income each month in a sort of waterfall effect.

If you don’t have a lot of cash reserves, you may choose to stay on the safe side and aim to keep your variances under 5%. But if your project ends up costing $28k (40% higher than expected), then you may want to dig deeper and figure out what caused the difference. Overperformance variance can be a sign of a competitive advantage that you can capitalize on, and underperformance tells you where you need to improve your operations. The use of dashboards, sensitivity analysis and scenario analysis are an essential part of this interpretation process. Browse hundreds of articles, containing an amazing number of useful tools, techniques, and best practices. Many readers tell us they would have paid consultants for the advice in these articles.