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Broom game rules

That’s like scissors, where you take an object, name it “scissors”, and pass it around the circle saying “I’m passing these scissors crossed/uncrossed” and wait until everybody who isn’t in on the game catches on that crossed/uncrossed refers to how your feet are positioned.

While I enjoyed Broom Service The Card Game it is not a perfect game. The biggest problem that I had with the game is that it just felt like there was something missing from it. I could see the game being improved with some house rules. At times it just feels like not enough happens in the game. I would actually be interested in seeing how the game would play if each player got to choose four or five cards each round. I am curious about this because players are left with a bunch of cards in their hand at the end of the game that they never end up using. Being able to play one or two more cards each round would put a greater emphasis on reading the other players since with only three cards there are too many times where only one player chooses one of the colors.

You lay out a circle of chairs, nominate a “head” and a “Tail” – in a large group we usually have “Matthew, Mark, Luke, John” as the 4 top chairs, and “Monkey” as the last chair. All other chairs are numbered in order 1,2,3 etc from John to Monkey.

Going clockwise each player then has an opportunity to play a card. If the player has a witch card in their hand that matches the card already played, the player has to play the card. They can choose to play the card brave or coward. If the player plays the card brave and one of the previously played cards were also played brave, the previously played brave card is flipped over and will score no points. If a player does not have a card that matches the card that was played, they don’t play a card.

Reading the other players becomes important because there are going to be colors that you want to play but you might be better off not choosing if other players are also going to chose them. Based on how you score points in the game, there are usually two types of colors that you are going to want to play. First you probably will want to play colors that appear on the task cards since scoring the bonus points are important in the game (more on this later). Otherwise you are probably going to want to play colors that you have already collected in other rounds. Since the scoring offers more points for collecting more of the same color potion, in the ideal game you would just choose three colors to collect throughout the game. The problem is that if you do this the other players are going to notice and will likely choose a card of those colors to limit the potions that you are able to collect. This is when it becomes helpful being able to read the other players because it will allow you to change up your strategy to maximize your points. If you can consistently predict what colors the other players are going to play you are going to have a pretty big advantage in the game.

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✔️ Шея. Указательные, средние и безымянные пальцы обеих рук расположите на боковой поверхности шеи (точки 11). Так как рядом проходит сонная артерия, стимулировать эти группы точек необходимо аккуратно. Массаж делается в 3 подхода по 3 секунды или доверьте красоту и здоровье шеи профессионалам. Результат: красивая шея.

Основной принцип рефлексотерапии заключается в воздействии на рефлексогенные зоны, расположенные на стопах, ладонях, ушах и других участках тела. Эти зоны представляют собой миниатюрные карты всего организма, где каждая точка отвечает за определенный орган или функцию. Стимуляция этих точек может помочь увеличить приток крови к соответствующим органам, улучшить их функционирование и помочь в устранении различных патологий.

Первым и, возможно, самым заметным эффектом является улучшение кровообращения. Точечный массаж активизирует циркуляцию крови, что способствует лучшему насыщению клеток кислородом и питательными веществами. Это, в свою очередь, делает кожу более здоровой и сияющей, улучшая её цвет и текстуру. Улучшение кровообращения также помогает в выведении токсинов из кожи, что способствует снижению воспалительных процессов.

Китайский точечный массаж, основанный на принципах традиционной китайской медицины, может быть эффективно комбинирован с рефлексотерапией для устранения энергетических блокировок и стимуляции процесса омоложения. Такой подход позволяет не только улучшить текстуру кожи, но и укрепить иммунитет и общее состояние здоровья.